Saturday 25 July 2015

An Enchanted Setting

How would you describe the place shown in this picture in 3

or 4 sentences? Remember to use sentence punctuation 

and some interesting and original adjectives.

Maybe you could even use it as the setting for a short piece

of fiction.

We can't wait to hear what you come up with!


  1. Curiously, I walked through the enchanted, magical and fragrant forest. My heart was beating as fast as a quick drum. Excitedly, I wanted to explore further. The forest floor was trying it best to trip me up, but I carefully scrambled through the wild forest. I stopped for a moment, getting lost watching the river flowing freely. The air was filled with a variety of smells of sweet flowers, fusty foliage and....delicious, fresh bread which oozed out of the mysterious and cute, little house. I walked closer. Hesitantly, I pushed open the door.....

    1. I really want to know who lives in the house now! Fantastic description with some appropriate adjectives and great verbs like 'scrambled' and 'oozed', then the cliffhanger really leaves you wanting more. Good job Meerkat!

  2. Nestled away between a babbling brook and a winding dirt path sits a house like no other. The light shines out of the square windows and a rippling reflection of these lights fall on the slowly flowing water. The purple of the flower petals, like all the colours in these parts, isn't quite the natural colour it should be, it's a little too bright, a little too garish! But then again, nothing is natural about the person who lives inside this enchanted house.......

    1. I really want to know who lives in this house too! I love the way you've built up the mystery with everything being a little strange in the forest. Maybe you and Meerkat should write a book together.
