Monday, 27 July 2015

Monday 27th JUly


  1. Three add one.

  2. What do you get if you leave a hungry fox in a room with one hundred biscuits?


  3. Ginger- why would the fox leave just three biscuits if it's already eaten 97? Surely, it would carry on at that point!

    How about-

    What did the man take in his rucksack when he went camping?

    1. Because the fox was full! He left 3 biscuits for Mr. Manners.

      Why would you take a fox camping?

  4. Aha! A very good question! You'd take a fox camping because this is no ordinary fox, nor are they just any old biscuits! The wily old fox can bring you anything you heart desires- but only three times! As you may have suspected by now each biscuit when consumed allows the fox to fulfil your wish! So why camping you may ask? Well, it's whilst you're out there at one with nature, living on the basics, aching from the day's walking and satisfied from a simple camping stove meal that your mind is free to think about what it is you really want!

  5. What ingredients do you need for the famous French recipe 'Renard avec biscuits'?

  6. Anonymous? Is it really made with real foxes? Although I do like your thinking!
